Sunday, October 28, 2007

Pictures from DC

Here are some of the pictures from sight seeing at the monuments in DC. The top picture is the Washington monument, the middle is my friend from Romania taking pictures of the ducks and the bottom is the Lincoln Memorial. I have Monument and Duck story that is funny and meaningful all in one. I'll tell everyone about the ducks when I get back into town. I think that I learned more on this one day adventure then the whole week of class. Throughout the day my friend from Romania was telling me about the history of the monuments we were seeing. And at the end of the day he said something powerful. I told him that I was impressed with his knowledge of World History, and he stated that History is important because you cannot find the future until you know about your past and where you have come from. This made me think about how many times we seem to only live for today and forget about looking at the past to help us go toward the future. I miss everyone and can't wait to see my beautiful wife and children this coming weekend.

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