Here they are, the treasured Yellow Brick. I also got a Blue Brick for completing the 34 mile swim challenge while I was here. It is just a regular brick painted yellow and blue but when you think about how much work that it took to get them, they mean a little more than a regular brick. I guess that they symbolize finishing something that you started.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
My Yellow and Blue Brick
Here they are, the treasured Yellow Brick. I also got a Blue Brick for completing the 34 mile swim challenge while I was here. It is just a regular brick painted yellow and blue but when you think about how much work that it took to get them, they mean a little more than a regular brick. I guess that they symbolize finishing something that you started.
The Globe & Laurel Restaurant
Saturday, December 8, 2007
The Saturday Adventure!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Where are my Teenagers?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Yellow Brick Road
Well we did it!!! It was snowing the whole time, pretty cool. Here is a before and after picture. These two guys have been my running buddies. We have run all the challenges together except for one. Mark is from Michigan and Terry is from Illinois. Today was a neat day, how many people can say that they have run 6.1 miles in the snow. See ya,
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Yellow Brick Road
Where is Kris Barrett????? I know you haven't quit checking on me at this point in the game? Well, Tonya I love you and can't wait to see you. Jamie and Jacob I can't wait to get home and see you two as well. I love you, Daddy
Monday, December 3, 2007
The Weekend!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Here are some pictures from International Night on Wednesday evening. That is Catalin from Romania and Balia from Africa. International Night was a cool night, all the international students had some things from their cultures like food and drinks. It was a neat evening. The 5.4 mile run went ok the other morning. It was long and cold, and my knees hurt all day. But I'm tough and I'll survive. You know the old saying "If it doesn't kill you it will only make you stronger." I was not feeling very strong on Wednesday evening!?!?!? We have this week almost over and only two more weeks to go. Jamie and Jacob I love you and be good for mommy. Tonya I love you and I can't wait to see you in a week and a half.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hello Everyone!!!
Today in Stress Management the topic was Spiritual Wellness. It was one of the classes that I have enjoyed the most so far. I think that some of the stuff that we talked about, may be some of the reason that I'm here. I talked with the Instructor after class and got a lot out of our discussion. He has had some of the same struggles that I've been dealing with. For him he has been thinking about getting out of the FBI and becoming a Pastor but for now feels that he can do ministry here. It was a good discussion.
Chris I hope that you get over the "buck fever" before it warps your mind too bad. Jamie and Jacob be good for mommy, and Tonya I love you.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving Break
When I go back, I'll have three more weeks and I'll be home for good!!!!!! The time has flown by.
I hope that nobody ate to much turkey.
The Naval Academy
We went over to the Naval Academy the other Saturday to look around. Navy was having it's last home football game and this was the Navy Cadets marching to the game. Pretty Cool.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Married for TEN YEARS!!!!!!
Check this out!!!!!!!
Yesterday evening the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team was doing some training in the area of the track. Pretty Cool huh!?!?!?!? I thought the guys from the youth group might get a kick out of this one. They wanted me to go up with them but I had to go and eat so I told them that I'd catch up with them later, yeah RIGHT!! See ya, Brent
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pentagon Trip
One of the ladies in my section was able to line up a Pentagon Tour. It was pretty neat to take the tour, they have over 23,000 employees that work in the building on a daily basis. The one picture is of where the plane hit the building. That is the only section that was not fixed. That is why the block of concrete is black from the fire. It was a very interesting trip.
Wednesday of the 7th Week
The weekend with the family was great. I played go fish with Jamie and Avery, wrestled with Jacob, and went out on a date with Tonya. It was nice to be home. I gave a guy from Malia, Africa a ride to Charlotte on my way home and way back to the Academy. It was interesting to hear and learn about his culture. This morning we had a 40 minute circuit training for our challenge called "Winged Monkey Assault". It was a pretty tough course, I was dead when I finished. Everybody take care and I'll talk at ya later.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Friday of the Sixth Week
I'M HOME THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited about seeing my family, church family and even my old dog.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wednesday of the Sixth Week
It was like listening to a very good preacher, you knew what he was saying was the truth but it was very hard to hear. He talked about his incident, his struggles with being to prideful to ask for help and the things that helped him to get through his pain and new found darkness. He talked about our emotional cups and when they get too full who do we pour them out on? The people that love us the most, our family. And how we take our families for granted and even though we don't say it, how we love our jobs more than our families! We would never say that but many times we do say that with our actions and not our words. This is going to sound funny when I type it, but tonight a blind man may have helped me learn how to see. I hope that I don't forgot the words that I heard tonight. Tonya, Jamie and Jacob I love you.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tuesday of the Sixth Week
I saw that Justin has qualified for the state regional in track, that is awesome. Good luck Justin and do your best with the talents that God has given you. I understand that half of my youth group is on this basketball team, you guys keep giving your best as well.
Jamie and Jacob I love you!!! Listen to Mommy and your teachers and I'll see you again soon. Tonya I love you - more!!! For everyone else, the "more" is a high school sweetheart thing.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
The Weekend with the Family!!!!!
The weekend was lots of fun. Jamie and Jacob believe that they can fly the jet behind them, Jacob said that riding in a tank looked kinda fun, and Jamie thinks that she could shoot the Grenade Launcher behind her if you just let it warm up a little and gave her a minute or so. It was very cool to get to hang out with them up here, and let them see what some of my world has been like for the last five weeks or so.
Things are going well for now, came back to the Academy after they left and swam a couple of miles, and worked on a paper. Classes are going well and I'm learning a lot of good stuff that I believe I'll be able to put to use some day. This week we run 4.2 miles on Wednesday for our Yellow Brick Road Challenge. It's called the Munchkin jog or something like that. I hope that everybody at the Grace Place is doing well, I sure do miss my church family. It won't be long and I'll be back to keep Kris and Nick in line. Kris, I'll have to get you some photo's of all the deer that just walk around up here. In the evenings they just walk out all around eating grass, when I see them out, I never seem to have my camera with me. Anyway I hope that game night went well tonight and you guys kept Susan and Junior in line. Take care and I'll see everybody real soon.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
MICHAEL J. DURANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tuesday Night
I still miss everybody a lot. It was good to hear from one of my teenagers beside Kris. I was beginning to think that Kris is the only one that knows how to work a computer. Good to hear from you Nick and tell Nathan I said hello also. I hope that Nathan and Lacey are keeping the store straight.
Everybody be in prayer for Tonya and the kids as they come up here to see me this weekend. Red told me tonight on the phone that the van got hit again today. I think that she is trying to completely wreck it so I'll have to trade it when I get back!?!?!?!?! I miss everyone and can't wait to see you all.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Pictures from DC
Here are some of the pictures from sight seeing at the monuments in DC. The top picture is the Washington monument, the middle is my friend from Romania taking pictures of the ducks and the bottom is the Lincoln Memorial. I have Monument and Duck story that is funny and meaningful all in one. I'll tell everyone about the ducks when I get back into town. I think that I learned more on this one day adventure then the whole week of class. Throughout the day my friend from Romania was telling me about the history of the monuments we were seeing. And at the end of the day he said something powerful. I told him that I was impressed with his knowledge of World History, and he stated that History is important because you cannot find the future until you know about your past and where you have come from. This made me think about how many times we seem to only live for today and forget about looking at the past to help us go toward the future. I miss everyone and can't wait to see my beautiful wife and children this coming weekend.
The Police Officers Memorial
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ending of Week Four
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday P.T.
Where are my teenagers, the only one that has been keeping up with me on a regular basis is Kris. I know that you guys haven't forgotten me this early???? I would hate to have to come back and start doing PT for our Youth lessons! I'm sure I could find some scripture that would relate like building your house on the rock. I heard from Tonya that Jarrett has injured his leg again. Man, I'm sorry to hear that and I'll be praying for you and the knee.
Well, I better go for now. Tonya, Jamie, and Jacob I Love you guys very much and I can't wait to see you when you come up here in a couple of weeks.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sunday Warfare!!!!!!
Tonight, Tonya called while she was with the youth group. I sure did enjoy talking with my teenagers and some of my crazy youth leaders. Sometimes I think that the youth probably help keep the leaders in line, with guys like Junior and Brad running around. I do miss everyone, but I know that God has a plan. It is my job to seek his face and stay focused on his guidance.
Tonya, Jamie and Jacob I love you and miss you.
To the Moon Alice!!!!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday Evening
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Trade Tower Memorial
This is between the library and cafeteria in a courtyard at the Academy. I think that I've got this video thing worked out!?!?!?!? I love and miss everybody.
Police Memorial Service
Tonight was the Police Memorial Service. It was very cool, I felt like royalty riding into DC on the Bus. When we got to DC a group of Police Motorcycles picked up the buses and escorted us into down town with lights and sirens. There were a lot of guys that read names from there departments and you could tell that it was emotional for them. I traced a name off the wall from a friend of mine that died in the line of duty. It was a neat trip. I'm trying to put a video of the bag pipes playing on this blog, not sure if it is going to work or not.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Tuesday Evening
Tomorrow evening we are all going to D.C. for a special service at the Police Officers Memorial. It should be very neat experience, but probably a little sad. Many guys will be reading off names of there friends or coworkers that have been killed in the line of duty. I'm sure it will be a very sobering event. On a lighter note, my room mate is going to take me and my buddy from Romania to a Hockey game on Thursday evening. Catalin and myself have never been to a Hockey match and it should be a neat experience. Classes are going well, the Stress Management class may be my favorite. Some of the discussions have gotten pretty deep so far and been very thought provoking. The instructor is a FBI agent and I think that he is a minister also. He may be a good resource for me! All in all things are well, hopefully I'll get some good pictures from the Police Officers Memorial Service tomorrow night to post on here. Tonya, I love you and miss you more and more each day. Jamie and Jacob I miss and love you guys bunches and bunches.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
My Sunday
Saturday, October 13, 2007
National Firearms Museum
We also stopped by the National Firearms Museum and looked at guns. They had everything from old to new. I thought that this was cool, this was the pistol that Clint Eastwood used in Dirty Harry and Magnum Force. It is neat to be up here with other cops because today my wife and two kids would have gotten very bored very quickly. But I sure enjoyed the site sighting.
Tonya, Jamie and Jacob, I love you guys!!!!
Site Seeing on Saturday
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Video Problems
I thought that this was cool, a guy who is a Lieutenant with the Indiana State Patrol came up to me tonight and asked me if I'd like to go with him to listen to Joel Osteen at the end of this month. He said he had an extra ticket and just thought that I might like to go. I'm not the biggest Osteen fan but I think that I'll go and hear him. To all my youth, you guys stay on the right track, you know that I know people that can come check up on you!!!!!! Thanks for all the comments from everyone on the page, when I check it, it is like getting mail from home. :) Jamie and Jacob, I miss you guys and be good. I love you Tonya!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Middle of Week 2
Friday, October 5, 2007
Friday of 1st week
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Day Five
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Day Four
Monday, October 1, 2007
Shout out!!!
Day Three
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday - Day Two
I caught myself today several times looking at my watch, and wondering what Tonya and kids were doing. The experiences here are going to be great I can already tell, however I can already see that it is going to be tough to be away from my FAMILY. I’m getting a new understanding for how those guys in the military do it. I feel confident that I’m going home, I can’t imagine leaving and somewhere in your mind being the fact that you may never see them again. God Bless our troops, for the sacrifice that they make so we can live in America.
Tonya, Jamie and Jacob,,,,, I Love you very much I’ll see you guys soon!!!!
Saturday - Check in
Well on the first phone call back home, Tonya informed me that she had just gotten back from the hospital with Jacob and he had gotten about six stitches to the fore head from a fall. Hopefully girl, you have gotten that trip out of the way. Shane was very helpful took her and him to the hospital. It’s cool to have good friends that you know will help take care of the Family. Well that’s about all for the first day.